Sunday September 25th, 2022

School has been boring. My actually ended really really badly on Tuesday but... I don't really want to get into it. So. Ending that line of thought. I got to have... um. I forgot what the generic name is. Snow cones! We get snow cone trucks on Friday sometimes it's awesome I love it. And I got one. On a worse note I thought I was going to my mom's this weekend but I was... wrong. I'm not going for another two weeks. I guess it kept me going through the week but now it's super disappointing. oh... well... We got new music for orchestra it's really fun I like it. Friday was actually the only normal school day this past week. For me. Because Monday I had to do something in orchestra in 7th hr, Tuesday.... was senior ditch day.... Wednesday we left 3rd hr for graduation info, Thursday we were in a different class for 2nd hr. For some reason I didn't keep in my head. Friday was all normal, thank god. I was about to go insane.

My sleep schedule has been all off recently. I've been going to bed at 8, going to sleep at 9, and waking up at 6 it's really good for me but I couldn't sleep Tuesday so I haven't been able to sleep right since. It was easy to fix over the summer because it didn't matter if I was tired, but it... matters now. Because I need to do school work and stuff. And not be in the worst mood ever. I think it'll help if I stop being on my phone before bed and instead read? I don't really enjoy reading though, especially laying down. But I'll try it. I also haven't been drawing. I feel like I may be done with Homestuck again but nothing else is picking up. A bunch of fun interesting Deltarune content? I drew Dess one time. New DHMIS series? I drew the guys. Cuphead show? I don't even remember any of it!! Idk it sucks being like this. I don't want to find and invest time into new content that I'll barely care about for a week, I want to like things that made me comfortable as a kid. That's all that's all.